Summer Suspended


hey SHLers…

It appears as though our Summer season is over before we even put our shorts on!

The City has closed everything to the END of June so that’s 8 of our 15 games cancelled. We think its best that we issue everyone a refund now for those cancelled games and at the same time keep hoping things change and open up so that we can play on when they open up. Since we are scheduled in already we could get going quickly.

I will contact each of you to determine the best way to get your refund to you – leaving us 7 games still. A few players from the Winter season donated their refund to the food bank. That is appreciated – thanks guys!

Do you think all arenas will remove the ice and shut down the compressors for the duration? I guess there could be a ramp up time to get going again. regardless we will refund the 2nd amount when we know more in June

Scot and Haig